A Day of Silence

Al Jumhuriya, 15 February 2017. Translated by Zuhour Mahmoud To the martyrs of Saidnaya We, the Syrians, cannot stop speaking, and yet we cannot speak. The grotesque has challenged our words, time and time again, and destroyed them. And every single time, we felt that only an eternal silence would protect our dignity, and honor the…

How ISIS Benefits From Trump’s Ban on Syrians

The New York Times, 2 February 2017 Some American friends wanted me to visit in the summer to speak about a book of my essays on Syria and the Syrian revolution that is about to be published. The prospect of traveling to the United States made me uneasy. I had heard stories of Syrians being…

The World of Syria, Syria of the World

Bhashabandhan Literary Review, 21 January 2017 As Syrians we have found ourselves thinking globally, not only because we are very bitter and angry at the world that left us to be killed for more than 2000 days, not because we know the world more than others, not because almost the whole world is literally in…

Interview with Yassin al-Hal Saleh in De Standaard

Al Jumhuriya, 13 January 2017 Interview with Yassin al-Haj Saleh, translated from Flemish into English by: Jorn Decock. Sixteen years and fourteen days. That is how long Yassin al-Haj Saleh was imprisoned in the cells of Assad senior. The Syrian author is not however a broken man, even though his wife and brother disappeared three…

The Genealogy of ISIS

Aljumhuriya, 17 November 2016 –  Translated by: Moayad Hokan Even though the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS, or Da’esh) emerged in Syria in 2013, its structure can be traced back to three historical layers across three geographies and influences, the earliest one being rooted in Afghanistan, followed by Iraq, and most recently, Syria.…

Syria’s “Voice of Conscience” Has a Message for the West

The Intercept, 26 October 2016 Yassin al-Haj Saleh has lived a life of struggle for his country. Under the Syrian regime of Hafez al-Assad, he was a student activist organizing against the government. In 1980, Saleh and hundreds of others were arrested and accused of membership in a left-wing political group. He was just 19 years old when a…

Majoritarian Syria: Justice in Conflict Resolution

Aljumhuriya, 20 October 2016 –  Translated by: Yasser EzZayyat This article is addressed to an unidentified, moderately informed and well-meaning reader, and it suggests to them a vision for a just Syrian resolution, examining potential problems and hindrances in its path.   What is a resolution in Syria? Syrians engaged in public affairs are always…

The World’s Naked Disgrace

Aljumhuriya –  Translated by: Abdul-Wahab Kayyali On the third anniversary of the chemical massacre in Syria, this article discusses the criminals of the chemical attack, the criminals of the chemical deal, the close proximity between both criminals, and the Syrian state of today’s world. Only two weeks after the horrific chemical massacre on the dawn…